How Do You Store An Inflatable Sup in Winter? 5 Easy Tips

The truth is, the inflatable paddle boards cost more than the solid ones. And that is why you must take excellent care of yours so that it can last long and give you the best value for your money.

One of the most important aspects of iSUP care is storage.

So, how do you store an inflatable paddle board for winter? Clean the paddle board to remove sand, pebbles, and gravel. Air-dry the iSUP completely to prevent mold, check it keenly for punctures and if any, repair them. You can choose to store your iSUP while inflated or deflated. 

The onset of fall pretty much marks the end of the stand-up paddleboarding season. It is at such a time that you need to learn how to store inflatable SUP for winter.

There is more to storing your inflatable paddle board than just compressing it and stuffing it in its bag.

For the solid paddle boards, there is more to storing them than just tossing it in a box and locking it away.

How To Store Inflatable SUP For Winter: 5 Tips

Unlike the solid SUP boards which are long, thick, heavy and harder to store, the inflatable SUP boards are foldable and packable. Therefore, they pose less of a challenge to store. All the same, you do need these few helpful tips.

1. Clean the inflatable SUP Board

On the last day of stand up paddle boarding, you need to give your inflatable SUP a thorough seasonal cleaning.

First, you need to rinse it under running water. You can do this while the SUP is still inflated so that all the debris, salt, gravel and sand stuck on the threads can be flushed out.

After rinsing, you can clean it more thoroughly with a soft-bristled brush, but be gentle about it. You should also use mild detergent or natural soap to keep the PVC coating intact.

Rinse it again and then spread it out to dry in the air. Remove the fins too to do a good cleaning and drying job.

2. Choosing a good storage spot

Now that the inflatable sup board is clean and dry, it is time to find where you will store it.

But first, you have to decide whether you will store your SUP board while inflated or deflated. Many people prefer the latter, but there is nothing wrong with keeping it inflated.

Storing inflatable paddle board while it is inflated will pose some challenge. For instance, it will occupy more space. Secondly, it might not be a good idea to leave the SUP board inflated for so long. You will have to deflate it at least once a month and inflate it again.

For winter SUP storage, choose an area that is shielded from the UV rays of the sun. Most people ask about how to store red paddle board because the sun rays make the color fade.

Also, be sure to maintain the humidity of the storage room at the relative humidity level. You do not want the humidity to be too much lest it develop mold or too low such that the PVC dries out completely.

3. How to roll up inflatable SUP into a small tight roll

Storing inflatable paddle board needs you to know how to roll it up so that it does not occupy more space than necessary.

The best way to roll an iSUP is to roll it slowly, section by section, while pressing all the air out completely. This technique is going to give you the tightest roll ever.

When you get to the end, you can store the roll. If you did a good job to deflate the paddle board and press all the air out, this roll can stay intact for a long time.

4. Storing inflatables in their bags

This is another method. First, you have to know how to deflate a paddle board. Press it as you would press an air mattress so that all air escapes.

Repeat the number one method that we have discussed above, smoothing the paddle board and rolling it up tightly section by section.

You need to make the roll as small and as tight as possible. That way, you will fit it into the bag easily and zip it up.

5. How to a paddle board while it is inflated

Can I leave my paddle board inflated?

Most people ask this question, and the answer is yes, you can!

This method is for people who just don’t want to go through the entire hustle of rolling and bagging the paddle board. There is a simple method of how to store paddle boards without inflating them.

First, you need to deflate the iSUP ever so slightly so that you do not leave the seams to stay in that tight position for the entire time that your board will be in storage.

Image of best way to store stand up paddle board

This makes your work easier because inflatables do not leak air. If you leave it inflated for the entire time that it is in storage, you will just have to top it up a bit when you get to use it next time. The inflate SUP longevity, you know, the time that it keeps inflated is long enough as long as it is not leaking.

When inflated, keep the board out of the UV rays because they can damage the PVC coating as well as the color.

Of course, having to deflate SUP is the best option but at times, you just care about storing inflatable paddle board with air.

Bonus Tip: Store your gear together so that the next SUP season finds you almost ready. For instance, the DAMA Inflatable SUP that you can buy on comes with a pump, paddle, camera seat, drop stitch and bag. Store all of them together to avoid losing anything.

Is it better to store inflatable paddle board inflated or deflated?

Personally, I prefer to store my SUP deflated. The reason for this is that I find that the SUP loses air. The older it gets, the more air it loses.

Therefore, if I am storing the SUP for a long time, I leave it deflated because anyway, I will find it deflated with time.

When you store a deflated board, it is not going to occupy a lot of space. Just roll it up after cleaning and drying it, and pack it in its bag. That way, it can keep for many months without developing mildew, mold or sustaining any damage.

If you would like to store the board while it is inflated, it should be for only a short time. If you are storing the board for a day or two and then take it out to the water again, you can leave it deflated. However, make sure you inflate the board again, even if it looks as if it hasn’t lost air.

When it is inflated, you cannot keep it in its bag. This leaves it exposed to dirt, moisture, rodents and other nasties. It also occupies too much space, and this might compel you to stash it with other things that could cause damage.

Whether you store the board inflated or deflated, remember to keep the valve safe. Don’t keep things on it, don’t push it against the wall, and don’t have it twisted in any way.

Should you roll or fold an inflatable SUP?

Rolling wins anytime. There are reasons for this, which I will show you in a few brief points below:

  • Rolling is safer. The iSUP does not form creases, which can become its weak point
  • It is faster than folding
  • It will be easier to straighten the board even if you need it fast
  • You will stash it in its storage bag easily

Actually, there is a way to roll the paddle board easily. First, of course, you have to deflate it. Then you have to clean it, and let it air-dry completely.

To make the work easier on you, roll the iSUP around the pump it came with, starting from the tail towards the nose. This ensures that you get a smooth roll, without any creases.

There is the little issue of a fin. By the time you are done rolling it up, the fin should stay flat on the iSUP. If you roll it up, you should end with a fin that stays flat on the board. If this is not the case, you might have to redo the roll again.

If the board has detachable fins, well, it should not be a problem at all because you can just remove them.

Can you fold inflatable paddle boards?

Just because I personally prefer rolling as opposed to folding, it does not mean that folding is not okay. It is. However, be careful not to fold it too tightly, as that can cause creases. If you fold it along the same creases too often, you create a weak point.

Detach the fins, and deflate the iSUP completely. Stretch it out flat on the ground and then start folding it loosely from the nose, going towards the tail end.  Don’t press it down as that will form creases. They should be loose folds.

Watch the short video below to see how to fold a deflated paddle board easily:


These are 5 ways for how to store inflatable SUP for winter. If you want to deflate SUP for inter storage, you have seen how that works.

If you want to keep the inflated SUP winter long with air, you have also seen how to do that. The most important thing is to clean the SUP and dry it thoroughly to avoid the development of mold and mildew.

Storing inflatables is easier than storing solid stand-up paddle boards because they are packable. If you take good care of your board, it can last a long time.

Part of giving your board good care includes using the best way to store stand-up paddle board.

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