The 5 Best Core Exercises for Paddle Boarding

How do you get in shape for paddle boarding? If you have just taken up the sport of stand up paddle boarding, you might be wondering how you can get your body ready for the hard work ahead. Luckily, you can start by doing core exercises for paddle boarding.

Why core exercises? You may ask. Well, you see, stand up paddle boarding works out the entire body unlike a water sport like kayaking that works out the upper body muscles.

When you start paddling, you will engage your core muscles a lot. However, if you do not exercise the core muscles, you could tire up easily before you have had enough fun. Therefore, here, we shall look at five of the outstanding core exercises for paddle boarding.

Does paddle boarding count as exercise? It does. It works out your entire body but most importantly, it engages the core. That way, you get a really nice workout that helps you a great deal.

How to work out your core muscles for paddle boarding

Before we find out how you can work out these muscles, just what are they?

Rectus abdominis – Most people know this core muscle. It is also the six pack muscle. You can feel it when you bend down.

Erector spinae – This long muscle extends along your spine. When you bend down, the muscle expands and when you stand straight, it contracts.

Multifidus muscle – This muscle is found in the back and its main work is to support your spine.

Transverse abdominis – This is like a muscle band that keeps the pelvis stable. It wraps the side and front of the trunk.

Obliques – These muscles help you to rotate the spine. They are flexible.

As you can see, the core muscles are all attached to the spine in one way or another. Exercising the core muscles will strengthen your spine.

Here are simple workouts for core muscles:

1. Crunches Exercises

When choosing the types of core strengthening exercises to do, always start with the simplest ones. In this case, crunches are the real deal.

You need a workout mat. Lie down straight on your back and then pull your legs slowly towards you such that your feet are flat on the mat.

Holding your hands behind your head, pull yourself up so that your upper body moves upwards with your waist being the pivotal point.

You can also place your hands on your chest and then attempt to lift your upper body up. Make as many reps as you want.

2. Supine Toe Tap

This is one of the simplest workouts especially if you have a bad lower back. First, you need to lie down on your back, place the hands at the sides, with the palms facing down. You can then lift your legs and bend the knees at 90°.

Pull in your core muscles to tighten them, you can do this by pulling in your abdomen. First, lower your left leg and tap the floor while keeping the right leg up. Repeat with the other leg and keep alternating them like that.

Up to 12 reps are good, but if you can do more, go for it.

3. Warrior Crunches

To do this simple workout, you will need to keep your feet shoulder width apart. You can then turn the toes outwards. Clasp your hands behind the back of your head as if you are supporting it.

Tightening the glutes and core muscles, bend the knees slowly so that your thighs stay parallel to the floor.

Hold the above stance, then bend and twist the torso a little to the side. You can then move your left elbow towards the left thigh and then repeat again with the other hand.

Do up to 12 reps.

4. Mountain Climber Workout

Stand on all fours on an exercise mat but make sure your hands are below the shoulders. Tighten the core muscles and lift your left leg towards your chest.

Ensure that your torso stays straight. Return your left leg to the original position and then repeat with the right leg. You can do 16 reps the first day – 8 with each leg.

5. Bird Dog Workout

This is yet another of the simplest workouts that you can do at home to strengthen your core muscles for paddle boarding.

Get on all fours on the floor and place the knees below the hips and the hands below the shoulders. Tighten the core muscles, lift one leg to hip height, straighten it, and then extend the arm corresponding with the leg towards the front. Keep the palm down.

Repeat with the other leg and arm. Repeat up to 12 times.

Image of paddle board exercise benefits


That is it for the best, simplest core exercises for paddle boarding that you can do at home. These will give you a strong core. When you get on your stand up paddle board, you can paddle further, longer and faster without getting tired too soon.

If you have been asking: Is Paddle Boarding good for your core? It can really help. However, before you get on that SUP, get ready for it. Warm up for it!

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